Professional Support
As a Professional Birthkeeper and former midwife, I can support you and your partner wherever you plan to give birth. You will benefit from my 25 years knowledge of attending births, my shamanic midwifery training, as well as my skills in liaising with health professionals if needed.
Birth and labour Support available by Phone or Zoom
Book a one off phone or zoom consultation for labour – Particularly suitable for those who are happy with their care provider, but who may require a second opinion, or additional information or support when in labour. Book me in before 36weeks of pregnancy, so I can be on-call throughout your estimated birth period (38 to 42 weeks). When in labour just call me if and when you need me. My On-call period of 4 weeks, plus the first call of up to 60 mins is £250. Subsequent calls charged at my usual professional fee of £80 per hour (£20 per 15 minutes).
I can also provide Phone, or zoom support throughout your labour and birth for a fixed fee. Phone me to discuss your requirements.
My Mini Birth Package costs £400 which includes one antenatal consultation, on call period of 38-42 weeks, a 30 minute labour call, and one postnatal appointment.
Extra antenatal or postnatal sessions by zoom or in person, can be added if needed, £70 per hour.
Concessions for those in financial hardship, and payment plans available on request.
Most of my clients plan to give birth in the safety and privacy of their own home. But I support people’s informed choice to give birth wherever feels best for them.
A circular issued by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) gives guidance for mothers and midwives attending home births states that
“Research over the last couple of decades suggests that home birth is at least as safe as hospital-based birth for healthy women with normal pregnancies.”
Women, birthing people, and their partners can feel more empowered in their own environment, not restrained by hospital routines, policies, time limits or visiting restrictions.
For birth partners who want to be fully involved, home birth provides the ideal environment, as well as the flexibility to have other family members present. (see birth stories)
There is not normally much mess at a home birth. It is easily contained especially if you have a waterbirth. I usually stay a while after the birth to help with breastfeeding, and to help clear-up.
It is your baby, and ultimately your choice of where and how you give birth (See AIMS publication “Am I allowed”). The following information may help you decide where is best for you to give birth.
Homebirth studies
A large meta analysis study published in 2020 showed many benefits for people who plan to give birth at home, including less chance of caesarean, ventouse , forceps, episiotomy, less need for oxytocin enhancement in labour and a 75% reduction in infection rates compared to those who planned to give birth in hospital.
This study showed no worse outcomes for babies planned to be born at home compared to those planned to be born in hospital.
More information and research about home birth can be found on Angela Horn’s brilliant website
You can of course give birth in a birth centre or in hospital if that is where you feel safest. Sometimes an unplanned transfer to hospital is needed. I will support you wherever you give birth.
I fully support families’ decisions to free birth having researched and taken full responsibility for their decisions. As I am no longer a registered midwife I do not provide any medical or clinical care, I do not carry medical equipment or drugs, I do not listen to your baby’s heart rate or reassure you of your baby’s well-being. What I do is provide a comforting presence, emotional support and information to help you make truly informed choices during your labour and birth.
Contact Joy
Phone (+44) 07939247462 for a free 15 minute consultation.