As a Birthkeeper and  former Midwife I can provide independent information about pregnancy, birth and early parenthood. I was a midwife for 21 years and have attended hundreds of births in homes, hospitals and birth centres. Whether planning a home or hospital birth, under NHS or Independent Midwifery care, I can help you decide which choices are best for you and your baby. You can book a one-off appointment with me in your own home, visit me at my clinic in Glastonbury, or book a zoom or phone call with me.

Consultations  Hour long appointments in your own home, or by zoom/skype or phone, before, during or after pregnancy, to plan the care you need. I can assess your needs, listen to any worries, and provide you with information to enable you to make truly informed decisions about your care. This can include talking through previous births, planning your current pregnancy and birth care, helping you write your birth plan, face your birth fears etc. This will be of particular benefit to those who’ve experienced a previous traumatic birth, adverse childhood events, those with high risk pregnancies, those planning vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC), or Breech birth. The fee for a professional consultation in your own home or in my Glastonbury office is £70 per hour. Concessions always available.

Professional Advocacy Appointments – For anyone who needs a professional advocate to accompany them to appointments with health care providers. Sometimes having a knowledgeable friend beside you can help you find your own courage. This can be helpful when pregnant or after birth when meeting with health professionals. During your initial consultation appointment we can discuss your needs, and plan options for care during pregnancy or birth. After defining your needs and preferences you can plan what you need to discuss at your hospital appointment. I can then accompany you to your appointment as an advocate and advisor if needed. The fee is £70 for your initial consultation and £70 for up to an hours attendance at your hospital (or home) appointment. Plus travel costs of 45p per mile if over a 40 mile round trip.

Birth after Trauma
Many women and birthing people suffer traumatic events in their childhood or adult lives which lead to additional fears around pregnancy, birth and parenting. Unfortunately up to 30% of people also describe giving birth as traumatic. After your initial consultation appointment you can decide whether to book childbirth preparation classes, one to one birth story healing or birth planning sessions, if you need the rewind technique to alleviate the physical symptoms of trauma, need regular pregnancy coaching sessions, or extra support postnatally. 

Breech Birth Advocacy
Diagnosis of a breech presenting baby in late pregnancy can be a confusing time.  Breech birth is one of my specialist subjects as I have helped many families plan for the birth of their breech baby. I can support your choices by offering professional education and information to help you make important decisions about your care. Any, or all of the following options are available;
  • A 2 hour consultation including counselling on the different types of breech birth, birth options, photo stories of breech births, and optimum ways to birth your baby. Available as a face to face session or by skype or zoom for £130.
  • Accompanying you to a hospital appointment to discuss options, plan care, or offer support during ECV.
  • Birth advocacy, where I accompany and support you throughout your birth, and a couple of hours after.
  • A  postnatal birth story listening appointment to discuss your birth experience.

VBAC Support
If you have had a previous caesarean and would like to discuss your birth options for your next pregnancy I can provide you with information and support on repeat caesarean or Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC). During a consultation we can discuss your previous birth and hopes for this birth. You can book a follow-up appointment to look at any fears or make a positive birth plan for your baby’s birth. I can provide phone support during the birth if required. A postnatal birth story listening appointment, or postnatal support can also be booked, if needed.

Post-Term Pregnancy Options
You can book a consultation to discuss options for pregnancy continuing beyond your 40 week “Estimated Due Date” We can discuss which natural methods are likely to work and which are old wives tales, discuss medical induction versus expectant management beyond 42 weeks of pregnancy,  I can give you information on complementary therapies which may help labour to start, visualisations or use of acupressure points to encourage relaxation.

Postnatal Services:

Trauma-aware Healing Birth session
After any type of birth you can book an appointment to discuss what happened in your labour and birth, pregnancy or postnatal period, or to plan for future pregnancies or births. This can include sharing your birth experience with me, going through your maternity records, or my expert opinion on what happened and implications for future pregnancies or births. Particularly useful after a traumatic pregnancy or birth, or if birth did not go as planned. 2 hour session for £130.

Postnatal appointments
These 60 minute appointments are available to complement your NHS midwifery care. Having a knowledgeable expert on hand in the early days as new parents, providing emotional support as well as practical tips and information to ease your way into new parenthood can be invaluable. As a one-off, or as part of a postnatal package I can provide support and information on postnatal recovery, breastfeeding or baby care. Placenta prints, placenta reading, and smoothie preparation can be included.
I can also accompany you to any hospital appointments if needed.
Single support visits within a 20 mile radius of my home are £70. Sessions can also be by zoom or phone.

3 Step Rewind technique

These sessions can help people with possibly debilitating after effects of traumatic experiences.

All services in your own home, hospital or birth centre 
£70 per hour, or £130 for up to 2 hours if you live within a 20 mile radius of my home in Glastonbury.
For those outside of my catchment area online and phone consultations are also available.
 Concessions available for those in financial hardship


I hold a Diploma of Higher Education in Antenatal teaching. I teach Birth With Joy! Birth Preparation Classes, online, in groups  or in one to one sessions.
Village Prenatal drop-in group For pregnancy support and information. Held every Wednesday 10:00-12:00 in the Miracles room in Glastonbury. Suggested weekly donation £8.
New Parent and baby Group  For support and information. Wednesday 12:00-14:00 group in Glastonbury. Suggested weekly donation of £3.

Birth and Parenting Preparation Classes   Online interactive 4 week courses for pregnant women/people and their birth partners, to prepare for birth and the journey to parenthood. Drawing on your innate birthing wisdom, these classes help you prepare for the unpredictable and transformative nature of birth and life with a new baby. 
Online Labour, Birth, and Parenting Courses Subjects include:

Midwives, Doulas, Birthkeepers and Birth Workers

Wise Woman Collective – Join my subscription only online community of like-minded birthworkers, for education, inspiration and support. Join in discussions, attend monthly zoom circles, and learn from other wise women.

I teach study days and speak at conferences for midwives, doulas, doctors and students. Previous topics include: Breech birth, The midwife-mother relationship, Birth from the baby’s perspective, Independent midwifery, The importance of Homebirth, The Golden Hour, and Your perfect pelvis.
I run workshops, and provide supervision and mentoring for doulas and other birth workers, including those who wish to train as midwives themselves.
Please contact me to book a class, workshop or teaching session in your area.
To book an appointment, classes or to discuss care options
Call Joy Horner on 07939247462
or email