Association of Radical Midwives monthly discussion group.

This is a local group for the support of peaceful pregnancy, birth and parenting. Hosted by Joy Horner, radical midwife, mum, lecturer and some day writer. Inspired by the Freedom For Birth film I am determined to impart information about human rights in childbirth, facilitate discussions, and to support women on their journeys to parenthood. You don’t have to be a midwife, a radical, or a female to attend. All those with an interested in women’s rights and experiences in pregnancy and childbirth are welcomed. These stimulating monthly discussion groups are designed to encourage experience sharing and debate, accompanied by tea and cake. All welcome. Donations for refreshments welcomed as 50% given to local charity Towards Tomorrow Together.

2013 Meetings at my house 7:30pm-9:30pm:

Thursday 8th August – Birth rights and choices.

Tuessday 3rd September – Waterbirth evening.

Thursday 3rd October – Postponed due to midwifery commitments.

Thursday 7th November – Am I allowed? how to get the best from your pregnancy, birth and postnatal care experiences.

Thursday 5th December – Blissful, ecstatic or orgasmic birth?

Please phone or text 07939247462 prior to attending the meeting to confirm date and location details. I am a practicing midwife so there is a chance I would have to reschedule a meeting if attending a birth.

Please note that although children are welcome they are your responsibility at all times, as I do have free-roaming teenagers, lurcher and elderly cats.

The Association of Radical Midwives are midwives, student midwives and others in the UK committed to improving the maternity care provided by the NHS. We strongly believe that all women have the right to a service tailored more closely to their needs, and a sympathetic attitude on the part of their professional attendants.

We are primarily a support group for people having difficulty in getting or giving  sympathetic, personalised midwifery care, and those who wish to provide good care. A few of us are working independently outside the NHS, in order to offer a more woman-centred,one-to-one, style of practice, which at present is not widely available within NHS maternity services.

In the mid 70s, the majority of pregnant women in UK had labour induced by artificial rupture of membranes (ARM) around the date they were “due”. These initials were used when the group needed a name, using the dictionary definition of “radical”, (roots, origins, basics, etc.) which aptly described the basic midwifery skills which they hoped to revive.

Held in our homes in Somerset, the group meet monthly to share skills and knowlege to empower women to have the best possible maternity care experience. Phone me or e-mail me at for details of the next meeting.

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