After an awkward issue arose between some midwifery colleagues over use of each other’s materials without consent I was prompted to write this page.
I believe all information is knowledge, knowledge is power and therefore should be shared to empower women. All information contained in this blog is my original work, from knowledge amassed throughout my midwifery career. I have worked very hard and am proud of the work I have done, so have marked photos, artwork and text as copyright Birth Joy Ltd(c). When I have used someone else’s material I will credit them in the text. I respectfully request that you do likewise. Please pass on information from my website but please remember to quote the origins of your information out of respect.
Photos are copyright to the photographer. I am very lucky that when I’ve taken birth photos, some women have given me permission to use these for teaching purposes, others have let me use their photos on my website. Some have allowed me to share with other midwives and one allowed publication in a midwifery text book. Many women have not, and I respect their right to do so.
For more information on copyright see this useful website.