Tag Archives: AIMS

Radical Midwifery on the Road

According to the Association of Radical Midwives (ARM)  “In the mid 70s, the majority of pregnant women in UK had labour induced by artificial rupture of membranes (ARM) around the date they were “due”. These initials were used when the group needed a name, using the dictionary definition of “radical”, (roots, origins, basics, etc.) which […]

Mary Cronk’s Assertiveness Phrases

Following on from my “Am I Allowed post” I phoned my dear friend and former colleague Mary Cronk. As well as a good chat with each other, I obtained her permission to post her assertiveness phrases. She re-quoted the phrases that I know by heart, and have recommended to many women. I had the pleasure of working with Mary […]

Freedom For Birth Film Premier

FREEDOM FOR BIRTH – GLOBAL FILM LAUNCH GIVES BIRTH TO THE  MOTHER’S REVOLUTION Glastonbury film premier on Thursday 20th September 2012. was a resounding success! we filled 40 seats and had people sitting on the floor! £100 each was raised for The red tent project and The White ribbon Alliance, A lively discussion followed lead by our panel […]

“Am I allowed?”

A woman this week asked me one of the things that make me want to get on my soapbox about assertiveness and women’s rights.  What she said was “are you allowed to give birth to a breech baby?” My response, as ever, to this type of question is “it you who allows or disallows your care […]

Optimal cord clamping is a much kinder transition for the newborn baby

Cutting the baby’s umbilical cord is a ritual repeated unthinkingly by many doctors and midwives every day. Please educate yourself about the potential harm that could be caused for the baby by doing this. In 1796, Dr Erasmus Darwin, a physician, and the grandfather of Charles Darwin, published a book in which he highlighted the dangers of cutting the […]