Tag Archives: choices

Have you heard? Independent Midwives are still alive and kicking!

Haven’t you heard? Independent Midwives are still alive and kicking! I initially wrote this in 2015 to clear up the misinformation being given to women who were seeking care from an Independent Midwife. A lot has changed since then, but we’re still here. You may or may not know who Independent Midwives are. You may […]

Microbirth Premier film screening in Glastonbury

The Premier screening of Toni Harman’s new film will be shown globally on 20th September 2014. Following the successful screening of her previous film “Freedom for Birth” last year, I am pleased to be able to share her new film in Glastonbury. “Microbirth” is a new feature-length documentary looking at birth in a whole new […]

Radical Midwifery on the Road

According to the Association of Radical Midwives (ARM)  “In the mid 70s, the majority of pregnant women in UK had labour induced by artificial rupture of membranes (ARM) around the date they were “due”. These initials were used when the group needed a name, using the dictionary definition of “radical”, (roots, origins, basics, etc.) which […]