Tag Archives: Mary Cronk

Radical Midwifery on the Road

According to the Association of Radical Midwives (ARM)  “In the mid 70s, the majority of pregnant women in UK had labour induced by artificial rupture of membranes (ARM) around the date they were “due”. These initials were used when the group needed a name, using the dictionary definition of “radical”, (roots, origins, basics, etc.) which […]

Mary Cronk’s Assertiveness Phrases

Following on from my “Am I Allowed post” I phoned my dear friend and former colleague Mary Cronk. As well as a good chat with each other, I obtained her permission to post her assertiveness phrases. She re-quoted the phrases that I know by heart, and have recommended to many women. I had the pleasure of working with Mary […]

The Third International Breech Birth Conference. Washington DC November 2012

I was lucky enough to be invited to lead a workshop at this years International Breech birth conference. My qualifications are that I have been lucky to work with Breech birth expert Mary Cronk MBE as an Independent midwife. We attended several breech births together and thus I started to learn breech birth skills. Our […]

MAMA Conference 26th and 27th April 2012

Birth Joy (C) 2011 I have just returned from the fabulous MAMA Conference in Troon, Scotland, organised by the brilliant Cassie MacNamara. Mary Cronk MBE had been booked as a speaker but had recently suffered a bereavement, and asked me to talk on her behalf about breech birth. These are big shoes to fill! I […]